
I Resolve To...Show More Leg!!

Told you my style resolutions were fun!!
Sweater:  New York & Company (Sold out on-line; May be available in stores)
Over the last year, I decided that I love my legs, so this year, I'm resolving to show them off even more!!

Back in my early 20s, I used to wear mini skirts all the time.  After gaining weight, I thought that I was too big to wear them.  Being in my mid-late 30s, I also thought that maybe I was simply too old.

Tights:  The Limited (Sold out on-line; May be available in stores)
Heels:  Target
Then, I decided to ignore those silly voices and to EMBRACE THE THIGHS.  LOLOL

Paired with some mini fishnet tights, an over-sized tunic sweater turns into a mini-dress for short girls!!  The perks of being petite!

Ring:  The Limited
I enjoy wearing short skirts and dresses.  They make me feel sexy, sure, but they also just make me feel free...kind of a feeling of being naked while still being covered.  I like that feeling of freedom.
In general, it is just so freeing to get rid of the rules we have created for ourselves or allowed to seep in from family, friends, or the larger society.  Maybe you don't want to show off your legs, but I challenge you to find one fashion rule, whether socially imposed, self-imposed, or both, and break it with the reckless abandon and delight of a rebellious child!!
Do you have a favorite body part you love to flaunt?  A fashion rule you love or want to break?

P.S.  My plans for fun location photos are getting a bit delayed with our subzero cold temps.  My living room had to do.  It was only after taking the pics that I realized the corner of the floor had pine needles, wrapping paper remnants, and packaging bits from Christmas.  We had just taken down the tree a few minutes before.  Whoops!!  Embracing the imperfect life and imperfect photos!!  :-D

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